Due to inclement weather, Houston Public Schools will be 2 hours late today, Tuesday, January 3. No morning Preschool.

Due to inclement weather, Houston Public Schools will be closed today, Friday, December 16. Today will be an E-learning day for students. All activities have been cancelled.

Due to inclement weather, Houston Public Schools will be 2 hours late today, Friday, December 16.

The School Board Meeting scheduled for 6PM tonight in the high school library has been cancelled.

Due to inclement weather, Houston Public Schools will be closed today, December 15. Today will be an E-learning day for students. All activities have been cancelled.

Due to inclement weather, Houston Public Schools will be 2 hours late today Thursday, December 15. No morning preschool.

Due to inclement weather, Houston Public Schools will be 2 hours late today Wednesday, December 14.

Due to inclement weather, Houston Public Schools will be closed today, Friday, December 9. MNVA is still in session. No after school activities today. Stay safe!

Due to freezing rain and dropping temperatures, Houston Public Schools will be dismissing early today. The Elementary and Preschool will be dismissed at 1:30PM. If you have students who walk home, please come pick them up at the elementary and preschool. High School will be dismissed at 1:45PM.

Happy Homecoming Hurricanes! Football will take on Leroy-Ostrander tonight, starting at 7PM. The After Prom Committee will also be having a chili cook off near the concessions tonight. Come on out and show your support! Go Canes!!

Unity Day is Monday, October 17. Wear orange to support inclusion and anti-bullying!

Hurricane Volleyball will take on Schaeffer Academy tonight in the high school gym! 7th grade will play at 5PM, JV at 6PM, and Varsity to follow at 7:15PM. Go Canes!
Live-stream will be available - check out of activities calendar for the link!

Volleyball will take on Grand Meadow tonight in Grand Meadow. Junior high starts at 4:30PM. C Team will start at 5:00PM with JV and Varsity to follow! Go Canes!

Interested in joining our team here at Houston Public Schools? We are looking for qualified coaches, teachers, support staff, etc. Visit our website, under "Employment" for all of our available opportunities!
Proud to be a Hurricane!

Livestream link for Class of 2022 Graduation Ceremony: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/houston-high-school-houston-mn

If anyone is interested in flags for marching band this summer to please send your name, email you’ll use this summer and your cell phone to :
Joalyn Torgerson
Practice will start mid June!

Yesterday was fun... for staff! It was the annual, end of the year basketball game of seniors vs. staff. The gym was full, students were loud and staff pulled off the victory 12-10!

Community Blood Drive: The Red Cross will be at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church on Tuesday, March 22 from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This is a community blood drive sponsored by the Houston Lions Club and the Houston Legion Auxiliary. For appointments, please call Dennis at 507-896-4809 or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter: CrossofChristHouston to schedule an appointment.

Due to inclement weather Houston Public Schools will be closed today, Tuesday, February 22. No after school activities.

Due to inclement weather, Houston Public Schools will be two hours late tomorrow, Tuesday, February 22. No morning Preschool.