Happy Monday Hurricanes! We thoroughly enjoyed our first "Coffee and Conversations" last Thursday at Barista's Coffee House. We are already looking forward to the next one!

Hurricanes - Fall sport pictures have been confirmed and are as follows: Volleyball: Tuesday, August 17th at 11AM (7-12 grade) Football: Tuesday, August 24th at 2PM (7-12 grade)

We are so excited to announce and start "Coffee and Conversations" the first Thursday of every month starting at 9AM at Barista's Coffee House here in Houston! Come on down, grab a coffee, and chat with your Houston Public Schools Administrators!!
Can't wait to see you all Thursday, August 5th at 9:00AM for our first "Coffee and Conversations". Go Hurricanes!!

We had a great turnout at our 2nd Annual Girls Basketball Alumni Game!!
Proud to be a Hurricane!

The 3rd grade classes took a walk to Valley View Nursing Home and Heritage Court while Fool’s Spring was looming! They brough a little magic with them in the form of colored bubbles to blow in the wind. The students enjoyed singing and dancing for some of the residents and had a wonderful time visiting. The students were greeted with loving smiles on the other side of the windows.

Important Announcement Regarding FREE Meals
Due to a waiver extension by the USDA, Houston Public Schools finally
received notification that we are able to offer meals (breakfast and lunch)
FREE of charge to ALL our students, whether or not they qualify for free-
or reduced-priced meals. This waiver only goes through June 30,2021,
but is retroactive to the first day of school. The waiver does not apply to the
snack milk program at Houston Elementary and Preschools.
It is still extremely important that families complete the Application for
Educational Benefits now or before the December 15, 2020 deadline. Our
school and students benefit from the funding we receive.

Award Winning Houston Dance Team