
All students in Houston schools have the opportunity to participate in vocal music education, from kindergarten through grade twelve.

Every student at the elementary level receives vocal music instruction. The elementary choir, including forty students in fifth and sixth grade, meets each week. They perform at all elementary concerts, and occasionally perform with the junior and senior high choirs.

The junior high choir includes students in seventh and eighth grades. The senior high choir is open to students in grades nine through twelve. Both junior and senior high members participate in voice lessons as a requirement of the class. The junior and senior high choirs perform at three concerts throughout the year. The senior high choir participates in the Minnesota State High School League’s large and small group contests every spring. Outstanding juniors and seniors are nominated for Dorian festival every winter. Those chosen spend a weekend at Luther College working with come of the best singers and conductors in our country.

Contact Dane Wiskow for more information.