The Houston Music Department will be performing in the Section 1A Large Group Contest at Fillmore Central on Monday, March 14.  The Choir performs at 5:00 and the Band performs at 7:00 p.m.  The groups must choose at least one selection from the Required Music List to perform at the Contest and there are three judges that critique the groups on their performance.  Superior ratings are awarded for scoring 35 or higher on a 40 point scale from at least two of the judges.  Excellent ratings are awarded for scoring 28-34.  These performances are open to the public and masks are recommended but not required. 

The Choir Bus is scheduled to leave at 3:00 and the Band Bus and trailer will be leaving at 5:00.  Warmup for the Band is 6:30 with their performance to follow at 7:00.  The Band is performing Exaltation by James Swearingen (from the required list) and Rough-Riders March by Karl King.  The Band has received Superior Ratings in 2013, 2016 and 2020. (There was no contest in 2021.) We are the final band of the evening and we will leave shortly after our performance.  We should be back in Houston around 9:00.